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Graco Husky 1050HP - 50 GPM - Aluminum Body, Aluminum Standard Air Valve W/Buna Seals Centre (Santoprene Seats/ Santoprene Balls/ Santoprene Diaphragm) Aluminum Standard Porting (NPT)

Graco Husky 1050HP - 50 GPM - Aluminum Body, Aluminum Standard Air Valve W/Buna Seals Centre (Santoprene Seats/ Santoprene Balls/ Santoprene Diaphragm) Aluminum Standard Porting (NPT)

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Product Description

The 24W762 is part of the Husky 1050HP series, and features a 1 Inch, 50 gpm, high pressure (25mm, 189 lpm) pump inlet /outlet, Aluminum Standard Air Valve w/Buna Seals centre section, Aluminium fluid section, and Aluminum Standard Porting (NPT).

This 24W762 Graco Husky pump also comes with Santoprene seats, Santoprene balls, Santoprene diaphragms, and PTFE manifold O-Rings.

  • Increased fluid pressure without sacrificing flow
  • Low-high pressure mode valve lets you operate the pump as a standard AODD or a high pressure AODD
  • Reduce air consumption up to 50% with the low pressure mode
  • Same repair parts as the Husky 1050 diaphragm pump
Pump Size: 1 Inch, 50 gpm, high pressure (25mm, 189 lpm)
Fluid Section: Aluminum
Centre Section: Aluminum Standard Air Valve w/Buna Seals
Porting: Aluminum Standard Porting (NPT) 

Seat Material: Santoprene
Ball Material: Santoprene 
Diaphragm Material: Santoprene
Manifold O-Rings: PTFE


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1 in.140 CPM250 PSI3500-500050-gpmAir Operatedair-poweredAluminum BodyATEX Certifiedbf2023diaphragmpumpgracoLeadTime3weekslowmarginnomapnot canadapmax ad diaphragm pumpsprisyncROAS 6.6Santoprene BallsSantoprene DiaphSantoprene Seatsspo-defaultspo-disabled