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MTM Hydro Magnum28 Foam Cannon Kit w/ QC Installed

MTM Hydro Magnum28 Foam Cannon Kit w/ QC Installed

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The Magnum28 Foam Kit consists of two high-quality Italian-made pressure washing tools, the SGS28 spray gun, and the PF22 foam cannon, each integrated with stainless steel quick connects. Great for residential, industrial, and automotive use, the Magnum28 Foam Kits short build makes fitting into tight spaces easy.

The SGS28 spray gun features a live swivel that performs under pressure, an easy-pull trigger that provides fatigue relief, and preinstalled stainless steel quick connects with Loctite.

The PF22 foam cannon offers adjustable fan blades, an air intake tube that controls foam "thickness" and a two-stage nozzle allowing the user to spray vertically and horizontally. Known for quality, the MTM Hydro brand has provided the highest-end foam cannon on the market with the PF22 foam cannon.

This variation includes a preinstalled stainless steel quick connects.


  • Min. 1,100 psi - Max. 4,000 psi
  • Min. 1.4 gpm - Max. 5.3 gpm
  • Max. 140°F
  • Use liquid concentrate soap for best foam


    • SGS28 Spray Gun
    • PF22 Foam Cannon
    • Italian Brass Foam Cannon body
    • Calibrated 32 oz Grey PF22 Stand Up Bottle
    • 1/4" x 9" tube for drawing chemical
    • 3.5 Orifice (1.25mm) installed in the Foamer Body
    • 3.0 Orifice (1.1mm) included with kit
    • 3/8" QC Stainless Steel Plug - Installed at Gun Inlet
1/4" Male Stainless Coupler – Installed at Gun
    • Outlet
    • 1/4" QC Stainless Steel Plug - Installed at Cannon Inlet
    • 3/8” x M22 14mm SS adaptor for hose outlet
    • Manual with care instructions

 Related image WARNING

This product can expose you to chemicals, including DINP and/or DEHP which is known to the state of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm, go to for more information.

The products we sell are not intended for use in potable water systems and are only for industrial non-drinking water applications.


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140°F4000-psi5.3 GPMall other productsbf2023canadacatchallshipmtmnot canadapmax ad foam cannonspressurewasherhoseprisyncROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabledunder-200