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Graco Hydra Clean Air-Operated Pressure Washers
Graco Hydra Clean Air-Operated Pressure Washers
air pressure

Graco Hydra Clean Air-Operated Pressure Washers

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Clean up your facility the quick, easy and efficient way with Graco Hydra-Clean pressure washers! Designed with Graco’s NXT air motor, it’s ideal for industrial and sanitary applications including food processing facilities, heavy duty cleaning, maintenance, shipyards, oil rigs and more.  


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1250-psi1800-psi2275-psi3-0-gpm3065-psi4-6-gpm4000-psi6-8-gpm7000-100008-7-gpm9-2-gpmAir-Operatedbf2023BOnoETAcanadaCart MountColdDrum MountgracoHotlowmarginnomapnot canadaover-15000pmax ad hot water pressure washerspressurewasherprisyncROAS 3ROAS 6.6spo-defaultspo-disabledWall Mount