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4000 PSI @ 3.5 GPM Horizontal Gas Engine Triplex Plunger Replacement Pressure Washer Pump

4000 PSI @ 3.5 GPM Horizontal Gas Engine Triplex Plunger Replacement Pressure Washer Pump

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Annovi Reverberi AR RKA35G40HE-F17 horizontal gas engine triplex plunger pump is rated up to 3.5 GPM at max 4000 PSI at 1750 RPM using a ½ ”F inlet and 3/8"F discharge thread. E version 1-?” with a gas engine flange.

Max GPM 3.5
Max L/Min 13.2
Max PSI 4000
MaxBar 275
Power EBHP 9.6
Bore Dia mm 18
Stroke mm 10.8
Crankshaft ID Stamp 5
Inlet 1/2" F
Outlet 3/8" F
Max Temp 140° F
Oil Capacity (oz) 15
Weight 21
RPM 1750
Shaft Size 1-1/8"
Shaft Version E
Shaft Type Hollow


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1/2″ F140 F.15oz175018mm200-5003-5-gpm3/4" SD3/8″ F4000-psi9.6HPannovi-reverberibf2023catchallshiplowmarginnogooglenot canadapmax ad replacement pumpspressurewasherprisyncResidential PumpsROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled