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TRINCO™ Master Model 42 X 30 SL w/ 450 CFM Abrasive Separator 42”W x 30”D x 24”H

TRINCO™ Master Model 42 X 30 SL w/ 450 CFM Abrasive Separator 42”W x 30”D x 24”H

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Designed for use with most media types. Media is recycled from the blast gun to the media separator and back to the blast gun.

450 CFM TRINCO™ abrasive separator pulls out broken media & dust from the good reusable media and deposits it into the filter bag

  • Hinged cabinet top for easy loading of heavy parts
  • Bright white fluorescent lighting provides excellent illumination and eliminates shadows
  • Large safety glass window with easy change window frame provides excellent visibility.
  • TRINCO™ Air Pressure Regulator and gauge mounted at the front of the blast cabinet allows for easy adjustment of blast pressures
  • Double floor – 1/8″ thick Expanded Steel Grate on top of a fine mesh steel carbon screen. The fine mesh screen traps contaminants preventing gun blockages
  • 1 Year TRINCO™ Warranty on non-consumable parts
  • Very popular model, great for automotive repair shops
  • Heavy duty 14 gauge welded steel construction
  • TRINCO™ filter bag

Ruggedly built of 14 Gauge welded steel Double floor - 1/8” Expandex steel plus Carbon screen

  • Trinco Tungsten carbide nozzle
  • Trinco safety enclosed floor valve blasting control
  • Trinco fluorescent lighting to eliminate shadows
  • Trinco large 12”x24” safety glass window
  • Air pressure regulator and gauge
  • Trinco filter bag
  • Trinco easy change window frame
  • Trinco heavyweight rubber gloves - Neoprene optional
 Inside: Overall :  Door Openings:
Depth 30” 
Width 42” 
Height 24” 
Depth 42” Completely open 56” 
Width 72” 
Height 65”
Two (2)
Flip Top 42” x 30”
Side Door 11” x 11”


  • The applications of Trinco Cabinets are virtually limitless - cleaning, deburring, decorating, deflashing, etching, finishing, honing, peening, etc. All of these uses and more con be accomplished easily with quick sweeps of the gun nozzle. Scale corrosion, old paint and other surface materials are removed in minutes leaving metal surfaces free of foreign matter and contamination. Even tough mill scale is quickly and efficiently removed.
  • The usual operating pressure for the Trinco Dry Blast Cabinets is 85 PSI. The equipment utilizes a variety of abrasives such as Trin Mixes, glass beads, aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, nut shells, etc. A multitude of finishes are possible ranging from a micro-finish to a coarse-grade finish depending upon the specific media used. Trinco Cabinets can apply the proper abrasive to provide the desired finish for each specific application.

Optional Accessories: (Not Included)

  • Water Filter
  • Blow Off Gun
  • Turntable
  • Auto Power Basket
  • Spare parts package
  • Abrasives


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3500-5000all other productsbf2023catchallshipnot canadarepriceROAS 4sandblast cabinettrinco