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Titan Elite 4500 High Rider 3300 PSI Honda GX160 1.25 GPM Gas Powered

Titan Elite 4500 High Rider 3300 PSI Honda GX160 1.25 GPM Gas Powered

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The Titan Elite® 4500 gas-powered sealed hydraulic paint sprayer helps you produce the highest quality results no matter what the jobsite conditions are. Featuring the revolutionary PermaStroke Technology™, which has no pistons, packings, cylinders or clutch to replace and backed by the WearGuard® Elite Lifetime Fluid Pump Warranty, it is simple to operate and field serviceable, keeping contractors on the job.

Sprays stains, lacquers, enamels, latex and block fillers

  • PermaStroke Technology Delivers top performance at pressures from 300 to 3300 psi and when using small or large tip sizes
  • No piston or packings, cylinder or clutch to wear or burn out
  • Spray with up to 2 spray guns
  • FlatLine Pulsation Dampener™ eliminates all pressure fluctuations and dead band in the system providing smooth operation and a consistent finish
  • Sureflo™ pusher valve that makes priming easy
  • Elite lifetime warranty on fluid pump
  • Perfect for spraying coatings prone to shearing
  • Powered by Honda®
    • Exceptionally quiet running engine
    • Smooth performance with lower vibration
    • Low oil alert system prevents engine seizure
GPM | LPM 1.25 GPM | 4.7 LPM
MAX TIP SIZE - 1 GUN - GAS 0.036"
MAX TIP SIZE - 2 GUNS - GAS 0.023"
ENGINE Honda GX160
ITEMS INCLUDED RX-Pro Gun, TR1 517 Tip, 1/4" x 50' Airless Hose


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