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Ranger DST642D (5140153) 36 mm Shaft Drive-Check 2D Quick-Touch Wheel Balancer

Ranger DST642D (5140153) 36 mm Shaft Drive-Check 2D Quick-Touch Wheel Balancer

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5140153 DST642D, 220V, GR-YEL RANGER 2-D Quick-Touch Wheel Balancer / 208-240V, 1-Ph., 50/60hz / GRAY-YELLOW

The DST642D offers some of the fastest floor times of any wheel balancer machine ever made. Our exclusive Drive-Check™ technology automatically measures imbalances, so you can confidently ensure minimal weight placements will be used to achieve a perfect balance on the first spin.


  • Automatic rolling wheel parameter setting feature saves valuable time and minimizes errors
  • Low RPM balancing speed and rapid six-second cycle time
  • Automatic braking
  • Gram/ounce selection and millimeter/inch selection
  • An audible alarm and brightly displayed LED’s identify exact weight amounts and precise positioning for perfect balancing
  • Tiered weight placement indicators help identify out-of-sight position weight placement such as split-weight or hidden “behind-the-spoke” techniques
  • Wheel restraint pedal secures wheels at precisely 12-o’clock for easier servicing and proper weight placement
  • LED inner wheel target light automatically illuminates the interior of the rim and helps identify the exact weight placement location. Auto-activates each time the wheel restraint pedal is depressed.
  • Manual or automatic start when hood is lowered
  • Self-calibration function
  • High-volume top weight tray and side shelf storage gives you room to inventory a wide variety of wheel weights and tools
  • Precision-machined, hardened-steel 36 mm shaft (ACME thread 30-degree 3-P)
  • Quick-release hub nut for dramatically reduced set-up times
  • Side cone storage pegs keep mounting cones readily available
  • Open-sided hood design allows for a broader coverage of tire shapes and sizes
  • Wheel Weight Starter Kit: Free samples of Ranger steel wheel weights are included. Starter Kit includes one bulk roll of 100 silver adhesive steel tape weights, one bulk roll of 100 black adhesive steel tape weights and one starter box of mixed clip-on steel weights.
Style: Auto & Light Truck
Data Entry: Automatic
Motor 1.5 HP, 220V, 50 / 60 Hz, 1Ph
Working Temperature -5°C / 27°F - 50°C / 82°F
Cycle Time 6 - 12 Seconds (avg.)
Balancing Modes 1 Dynamic / 2 Static / Multi-Alloy
Drive System Serpentine Poly-V Belt
Wheel Braking Automatic / Pulse Electronic
Cones Included 3 Standard / 1 Truck
Max. Tire Diameter 50” (1,270 mm)
Max. Tire Weight 150 lbs. (68 kg)
Wheel Diameter Capacity 10” - 30” (254 - 762 mm)
Wheel Width Capacity 1.5” - 20” (38 mm - 508 mm)
Balancing Increments 0.25 or 0.01 ounce
Balancing Speed 180 RPM
Accuracy +- .5 Gram (.025 oz)
Resolution 5 Gram (.25 oz)
Shipping Weight 422 lbs. (191 kg)
Shipping Dimensions 43" x 33" x 46" (1,092 mm x 838 mm x 1,168 mm)


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