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Karcher 1.107-444.0 HD 4.0/40 GeB Teton

Karcher 1.107-444.0 HD 4.0/40 GeB Teton

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Kärcher’s belt-drive, Teton Series aluminum pressure washers can be utilized as a cart or a skid for maximum cleaning versatility and durability. These reliable Kärcher powered pressure washers offer a 4-year engine warranty, bypass loop for additional pump protection, 7-year pump warranty, and flat-free tires. The modular design allows the unit to transition from cart to skid (with skid feet accessory) design for versatile cold-water cleaning applications. Mobile and Durable. Low profile handle is easy to push and pull. Can be fitted to the HD Pallet Skid with a 50-gallon water tank and 100' hose reel or the HD Pallet Skid with two 100' hose reels. Mild steel skid fits within a standard UTV / ATV bed.



  • High-pressure hose, 50



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