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High Capacity Thermostatic Mixing Valve for Individual Eye/Face Wash Stations

High Capacity Thermostatic Mixing Valve for Individual Eye/Face Wash Stations

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These valves blend hot and cold supply water to deliver tepid water (85°F / 29°C) to emergency equipment, and with a range of 2 to 70.2 GPM at 30 PSI (7.6 to 265.7 LPM at 2 BAR G), this high-capacity valve is sufficient for multiple emergency showers and/or eyewash stations installed in the same supply line. The valve can be installed into existing emergency shower applications and can be used to the control the temperature of recirculating as well as non-recirculating supply systems. Helps meet ANSI Z358.1-2014 and accurately controls outlet temperature in accordance with ASSE 1071 standards. 

  • Positive hot water shut off eliminates the delivery of scalding water in if cold-water supply fails
  • Integral cold-water bypass ensures reliable cold-water delivery if hot water supply is interrupted
  • Factory set to 85F (29.4C) to ensure comfort when used with an eye wash, yet can be safely set up to 95F (35C) for maximum effectiveness when used with body washes
  • Integral cartridge style checks with screens to prevent backflow and to filter debris entering the valve


UPC 883232426370
Net Weight, lbs 34
Net Weight, kg 15.4
Dimensions, Exterior 8-3/4“ H x 14“ W x 5.75“ D
222mm H x 356mm W x 145mm D
Water Inlet Size NPT 1 in (F)
Maximum Operating Pressure 8.6 bar g, 125 PSI


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