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Pressure Washer 5279 3000 PSI 50 ft. Blue Neptune Hose

Pressure Washer 5279 3000 PSI 50 ft. Blue Neptune Hose

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3000 PSI 1/4"x 50' BLUE NEPTUNE HOSE

3000 Blue Neptune non marking hose is for use with pressure washer machines with working pressures up to 3000 PSI and temperatures to 250 F. (120 C). Blue Non marking cover makes this hose an excellent choice for those jobs such as tile floors, carpeting, and swimming pools where unsightly marks left by other hoses are eliminated. Lightweight and flexible. Tube and cover are resistant to most cleaning solutions. Tube is contructed of Black Chemigum with one wire braid reinforcement. Blue cover is oil resistant synthetic rubber, RMA class B (medium/high oil resistance)


  • 1/4 ID
  • .53" OD
  • One male solid and swivel end
  • Black bend restrictors


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1/4" x 50'250°F3000-psiall other productsbarensbf2023catchallshipHot WaterlowmarginNon Markingpmax ad pressure washer hosespressurewashhoseProfessionalProsumerrepriceROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200