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K'A'RCHER HD 3.0/40 PB 4000 PSI @ 3.0 GPM Belt Drive 389cc Honda GX390 Cold Gas Pressure Washer
K'A'RCHER HD 3.0/40 PB 4000 PSI @ 3.0 GPM Belt Drive 389cc Honda GX390 Cold Gas Pressure Washer
K'A'RCHER HD 3.0/40 PB 4000 PSI @ 3.0 GPM Belt Drive 389cc Honda GX390 Cold Gas Pressure Washer
K'A'RCHER HD 3.0/40 PB 4000 PSI @ 3.0 GPM Belt Drive 389cc Honda GX390 Cold Gas Pressure Washer

K'A'RCHER HD 3.0/40 PB 4000 PSI @ 3.0 GPM Belt Drive 389cc Honda GX390 Cold Gas Pressure Washer

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Our cold-water series provides a broad selection of rugged beltdrive units, all with reliable Honda GX engines, which deliver cleaning volume of up to 3.7 GPM. Each model comes with a rugged steel chassis, cast iron belt pulley system, flat-free tires, and industrial-grade Kärcher crankcase pump.

1. Powerful and durable

  • Rugged chassis base painted with an epoxy powder coat finish for all-weather protection.
  • Notched V-belts and cast-iron pulleys reduce belt slippage and provide longer pump life.
  • Reliable Honda GX engine with two-year warranty; low-oil alert, silenttone muffler (9 and 13 HP models also have valve for easy pull- start).
  • 50‘ durable wire-braid hose rated for 3000 or 4000 PSI; with hose guard for burst protection.
  • Inlet strainer protects pump from debris in the water source.

2. Smart features

  • Easy-to-attach downstream detergent injector with brass soap nozzle.
  • Stainless steel wand with quick-couple connectors for easy attachment of high-pressure nozzles.
  • Insulated, high-pressure trigger gun for hours of fatigue-free cleaning.
  • Industrial-grade tri-plunger oil- bath Kärcher pump with forged brass head and ceramic pistons.

3. Outstanding mobility

  • 10” tubed pneumatic tires for easy maneuvering on all terrains and to absorb vibration.
  • Rubber feet to absorb vibration and keep the unit from “walking”.
  • Convenient front and back 11/4” chrome-plated handles to assist in lifting and moving the pressure washer.


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3-0-gpm3500-50004-5-gpm4000 PSI5000 PSIaodd discountBelt Drivebf2023BOnoETACart TypeColdCommercial BuildGasHondaHonda EngineHonda GX390Honda GX690karchermap pricemap priced itemnot canadapmax ad gas pressure washerpmax ad gas pressure washersPortable-TypepressurewasherRecoil StartROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled