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Graco LineDriver

Graco LineDriver

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  • Forward speeds to 10 mph (16 km/h), reverse speeds to 6 mph (10 km/h) - change directions instantly for consistent lines
  • By maintaining striping speed, LineDriver helps you produce a more consistent line thickness (film build) for more precise and longer-lasting stripes
  • Exclusive dual pedal design (patented) for forward and reverse
  • Exclusive Advanced Vibration Reduction System (patent pending) eliminates engine vibration while keeping line quality the best in the industry
  • Exclusive FlexBeam Break-A-Way Light System is fully adjustable for all types of low light conditions (patent pending)
Hydraulic Pressure
2700 psi
Hydraulic System Capacity
2 qt
Honda GX 160 cc
Engine Generator Output
265 lb
41 in
29 in
58 in
Sound Levels
Sound Pressure
94 — 99 dB(A) measured at 3.1 ft /ISO 3744
Sound Power
79 — 83 dB(A) measured at 3.1 ft/ISO 3744
Vibration Level
Left Hand (Vibration measured per ISO 5349 based on 8 hour daily esposure A(8) LineDriver and LineDriver HD: Vibration at seat and pedals (EN1032) < 0.5 sq m/s)
0.3 sq m/s
Right Hand (Vibration measured per ISO 5349 based on 8 hour daily esposure A(8) LineDriver and LineDriver HD: Vibration at seat and pedals (EN1032) < 0.5 sq m/s)
0.2 sq m/s


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