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Easy-Kleen 3.6 GPM @ 2400 PSI 5HP 220V Single Phase Commercial Cold Water Electric Wall Mounted Pressure Washer
Easy-Kleen 3.6 GPM @ 2400 PSI 5HP 220V Single Phase Commercial Cold Water Electric Wall Mounted Pressure Washer
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Easy-Kleen 3.6 GPM @ 2400 PSI 5HP 220V Single Phase Commercial Cold Water Electric Wall Mounted Pressure Washer

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Our electric-driven cold water units are used for multiple applications for farm, car and truck washing, meat shops, and everyday uses.


  • PUMP
    Commercial Duty triplex plunger pump with oil bath crankcase, stainless steel valves, and all brass manifolds, direct drive 1750 RPM on all models.
    Heavy-duty 1750 RPM TEFC thermo over protected with 1.15 service factor.
    Heavy-duty cord and NEMA watertight on/off switch assembly with optional trigger control auto stop/start.
    all powder coated.
    *For choice of the frame, add (HC) for hand carry or (FB) for flat base *For optional wall mount and hose reel bracket (WM) *Optional hose reel.
    Adjustable pressure regulator, Downstream chemical injector, Thermo pump protection,36 single lance c/w rated trigger gun all quick coupled and all units have 50 3/8 high-pressure hose, five nozzles
    Consider our optional rotary nozzles, wet sand blasting nozzles, drain cleaning kit and a hose reel to maximize the use out of your pressure washer.

Note: Product doesn't come with a battery.


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2000-3500220V2400-psi3-6-gpm5HPaodd discountbf2023ColdCommercial BuildDirect Driveeasy-kleenElectricGeneralLeadTime3weeksmap pricemap priced itempmax ad electric pressure washerspmax electric pressure washerpressurewasherROAS 3Triplex PlungerWall MountWall Mount-Type