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Titan 2419194 Impact 640I, HR, 120V

Titan 2419194 Impact 640I, HR, 120V

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  • Featuring DigiTrac™ Technology with advanced diagnostics display to help you spray smarter

  • Designed to consistently spray 75-100 gallons per week

  • Powered by IntelliSync to connect to the MyTitan mobile app featuring Bluetooth

  • Quad+ Packings™ is designed to wipe abrasive coatings clean during operation, preventing damage to the piston or the main sealing lip

  • AutoOiler™ allows you to push a button to deliver oil from the reservoir directly to the packings

  • Sureflo™ Pusher Valve lets you release a stuck lower ball valve without using a hammer

  • Electronic Pressure Control with Rapid Clean speeds up the flushing and clean-up process

  • PermaLife™ Cylinder never wears and never needs replacing


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