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BE Industrial HONDA GX390 Heavy Duty Cast Iron 389cc 580GPM 4" Trash Pump
BE Industrial HONDA GX390 Heavy Duty Cast Iron 389cc 580GPM 4" Trash Pump
BE Industrial HONDA GX390 Heavy Duty Cast Iron 389cc 580GPM 4" Trash Pump
BE Industrial HONDA GX390 Heavy Duty Cast Iron 389cc 580GPM 4" Trash Pump
BE Industrial HONDA GX390 Heavy Duty Cast Iron 389cc 580GPM 4" Trash Pump
BE Industrial HONDA GX390 Heavy Duty Cast Iron 389cc 580GPM 4" Trash Pump
BE Industrial HONDA GX390 Heavy Duty Cast Iron 389cc 580GPM 4" Trash Pump
BE Industrial HONDA GX390 Heavy Duty Cast Iron 389cc 580GPM 4" Trash Pump

BE Industrial HONDA GX390 Heavy Duty Cast Iron 389cc 580GPM 4" Trash Pump

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4" Trash Pump

This pump can handle up to 1" solids and features 95ft of total lift, 26ft of suction lift, a centrifugal aluminum pump, cast iron impeller, recoil start, and low oil shutdown.


  • BE 4" Centrifugal Trash Pump
    Handles up to 1" solids
  • Commercial-Grade 389cc Honda GX Series 4-Cycle Engine
    Reliable, technologically advanced & easy to start
  • Protected By Honda Oil Alert® Warning System
    Alerts you or shuts engine down if oil reaches an unsafe level
  • Aluminum Pump Housing & Cast Iron Impeller
    Extends the life of the pump
  • Self-Priming Design (*Requires Initial Priming)
    Priming-plug allows for a quick fill-up of pump chamber for quick starting
  • 1.8-Gallon Fuel Tank
    Allows for plenty of run-times to get the job done
  • Engine and Pump Vibration Isolators
    Rubber feet minimize vibration for quieter operation, less walking
  • Includes:
    Strainer & Clamps
  • Excellent Consumer Warranty
    1-Year Pump and 3-Year Honda GX Engine
  • EPA Approved & CARB Compliant


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1.8 gal2000-350026feet38958095'all other productsbe-power-equipmentbf2023catchallshipHeavy Duty Cast IronHONDA GX390Industrial SerieslowmarginneedsrepricedprisyncrepriceROAS 6.6spo-defaultspo-disabledUp to 1"