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3M- Ultra-Lok™ Self-Retracting Lifeline for Retrieval (1587389759523)
3M- Ultra-Lok™ Self-Retracting Lifeline for Retrieval (1587389759523)

3M- Ultra-Lok™ Self-Retracting Lifeline for Retrieval

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3M™ DBI-SALA® Ultra-Lok™ Self Retracting Lifeline, Retrieval/Bracket, Cable 3501102, 50 ft.

• 3-Way emergency retrieval system with built-in winch
• Integrated quick-connect mounting bracket
• Stowable retrieval handle
• 50’, 3/16” Galvanized steel cable lifeline
• Rugged, extremely lightweight thermoplastic housing
• Internal energy absorption system
• Constant moving brake system pawls
• Built-in carrying handle
• Swiveling anchorage point
• Swiveling snap hook with impact indicator
• Reserve lifeline system
• Ergonomic cable handle equipped with i-Safe™ technology

50 ft. (15.2m) of 3/16" (5mm) galvanized steel wire rope with 3-way emergency retrieval winch, mounting bracket, swiveling snap hook and anchorage carabiner.

Ultra-Lok™ self retracting lifelines (SRL’s) are rugged, yet extremely lightweight and superbly engineered devices you can count on for safety, efficiency and comfort. Stainless steel components, an anti-ratcheting brake system and a semi-sealed design provide the user with a system built to last. Our SRLs are backed by decades of proven field service for absolute confidence, safety and reliability. An SRL’s lifeline will extend as the user moves away, and retract automatically enabling the user to move about within a recommended working area at normal speeds. Should a fall occur, a speed sensing brake system will activate stopping the fall and reducing the forces imposed on the user to safe levels.


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2000-3500310 lb.3m50ftall other productsANSI A10.32ANSI Z359.1ANSI Z359.14bf2023catchallshipdisc5Galvanized Steel Cablelowmarginnot canadaOSHA 1910.66OSHA 1926.502prisyncROAS 6.6spo-defaultspo-disabled