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3M- EZ-Line™ Retractable Horizontal Lifeline System (1587707248675)

3M- EZ-Line™ Retractable Horizontal Lifeline System

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  • 60 ft. (18.3 m) retractable system can be set at any length
  • Rugged 1/4" (6.3mm) 7x19 galvanized cable lifeline
  • Ergonomic easy to carry case
  • Extremely lightweight and portable design
  • Built-in winch, pre-tension and impact indicators
  • Durable construction will stand up to tough jobsites
  • Single and multi-span (with SecuraSpan™ stanchion) system configurations
  • Internal energy absorber limits fall arrest forces
  • Flexible system capacity
  • Use with any 5,000 lb. (22.2 kN) anchorage device
  • Equipped with i-Safe™

60 ft. (18.3m) retractable cable horizontal lifeline system with built-in winch, tension and impact indicators.

EZ-Line™ is the most user friendly and fastest horizontal lifeline system to install, remove and store on the market today! EZ-Line’s innovative retractable design allows the user to quickly and efficiently set-up any length of system in only seconds and dismantle it just as quick. The entire lifeline is retracted into an easy to carry case which eliminates large and bulky coils of cable that are difficult to set-up, relocate and store. Additionally, EZ-Line is 33% lighter than traditional systems providing ease-of-use and added worker satisfaction. You can always depend on our horizontal safety systems for mobility and fall protection when working at height. That’s why safety engineers and site directors choose DBI-SALA® horizontal lifelines. We offer the broadest selection, as well as significant advantages in safety and productivity. A horizontal lifeline may appear to be a basic line strung between two anchors, but it is not. It is critical to choose a system that has been precision engineered and rigorously tested to meet regulations. These systems are used to protect workers operating in the horizontal plane who may not have continuous access to suitable anchorage points.


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