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1,800 psi Wall Mount CleanLine Filter Assembly

1,800 psi Wall Mount CleanLine Filter Assembly

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Graco's CleanLine Filter 1800 is designed for use with the Fire-Ball 425 10:1 or lower ratio pumps and is compatible with anti-freeze mixtures.

CleanLine Filter systems filter new lubricants or anti-freeze at the pump outlet to ensure clean product delivery.

    • Removes contamination that can cause excessive wear to precision components
    • Filtration of contaminants increases fuel efficiency
    • Filters particulate 2 to 5 times smaller than typical automotive oil filters
    • High flow filtering will not reduce system performance
UPC Product: 00633955068643
Family Code: FAMOAP
Unit of Measure: EA
Height: 0 IN   |  0 CM
Length: 0 IN   |  0 CM
Width: 0 IN   |  0 CM
Volume: 0 FT3   |  0 M3
Chargeable Weight: 22.3 LBS  | 10.12 KG

Technical Specifications

Type Filter


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