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Trimaco  X•Board Paint + Remodel 35″ x 50′ Lightweight Breathable Surface Protector (Pack of 12)
Trimaco  X•Board Paint + Remodel 35″ x 50′ Lightweight Breathable Surface Protector (Pack of 12)
Trimaco  X•Board Paint + Remodel 35″ x 50′ Lightweight Breathable Surface Protector (Pack of 12)

Trimaco X•Board Paint + Remodel 35″ x 50′ Lightweight Breathable Surface Protector (Pack of 12)

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X•Board Paint + Remodel is a lightweight and reusable heavy duty floor protection board. This easy-to-use painter’s board lays flat when rolled out and our Spill Block® technology ensures no paint, mud or water will get through to your surface. X-Board provides the ultimate floor protection for painting.

This floor protection board will last for the endurance of the job and protects many types of flooring such as tile, wood floors, vinyl and more. Proudly made in the USA. 

  • Durable + long lasting temporary floor protection
  • Made in the USA
  • Spill Block® technology
  • Breathable to allow curing of floors
  • Easy-to-use and lays flat
  • 2.5X thicker than Builder’s Paper
  • Works great with our X-Board Seam Tape
  • X-Board Paint + Remodel Surface Protection

For additional protection, explore some of Trimaco’s other floor protection product such as protective films and flooring paper.

NOTE: Send us a message to get a free sample of this product.


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