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Trimaco Plastic Leak-proof Painter Drop Cloths 1.5 Mil -  12′ x 50′ (Pack of 12)
Trimaco Plastic Leak-proof Painter Drop Cloths 1.5 Mil -  12′ x 50′ (Pack of 12)
Trimaco Plastic Leak-proof Painter Drop Cloths 1.5 Mil -  12′ x 50′ (Pack of 12)
Trimaco Plastic Leak-proof Painter Drop Cloths 1.5 Mil -  12′ x 50′ (Pack of 12)

Trimaco Plastic Leak-proof Painter Drop Cloths 1.5 Mil - 12′ x 50′ (Pack of 12)

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Economical and leak-proof plastic drops are embossed for easy opening and great for covering shrubbery and furniture. Plastic drop cloth can also be used for dust containment and miscellaneous projects. Make sure you also explore our plastic floor protector products.
  • Leak-resistant professional plastic drop cloth
  • For painting, plastering + staining
  • Available in many sizes and weights
  • Not washable


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1.5 Mil12/Pack200-500all other productsbf2023catchallshipnomapnot canadaPaintsPlastic Leakproof Painter Drop ClothprisyncrepriceROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledStainstrimacoWaterproof