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Shop Fox Tools Aluma-Classic® Fence with Long Rails & Legs

Shop Fox Tools Aluma-Classic® Fence with Long Rails & Legs

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Beefy extruded aluminum and steel construction and right angle design make this Aluma-Classic® Fence durable and precise. Widely spaced adjustment points allow very precise set-up while the cam-lever front locking mechanism and torsion box design allow this fence to fit on just about any table saw without the need for a rear locking mechanism. Includes either standard or long rails, a self-adhesive measuring tape and adjustable magnified cursor for quick positioning. Choose the Aluma-Classic® Fence with long rails for wide panel cutting up to 50".

  • Wide right angle design for maximum accuracy and support
  • Easy single locking cam action lever
  • Adjustable fence wear pads
  • Magnified cursor lens
  • Steel and aluminum fence body for durability, strength, and reduced weight
  • Long 79" rails provide 50" maximum rip to the right of the blade
  • Fits most table saws easily
  • UPC-coded packaging


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