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Rikon Tools 1" x 30" Belt 6" Disc VS Sander
Rikon Tools 1" x 30" Belt 6" Disc VS Sander
Rikon Tools 1" x 30" Belt 6" Disc VS Sander
Rikon Tools 1" x 30" Belt 6" Disc VS Sander

Rikon Tools 1" x 30" Belt 6" Disc VS Sander

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1” x 30” Belt / 6” Disc V.S. Sander #50-161VS is great for working on small craft projects – home decorations, jewelry, toys, doll furniture, repair work and more. The machine’s small motor is very efficient in driving the belt and disc, so stock removal goes quickly. Variable speed feature lets you ‘dial-in’ the best belt or disc speed for sanding performance on your project’s material. Recommended for light-duty use.

  • Variable Speed Induction motor provides plenty of power and versatility for sanding
  • Frame and base made of sturdy cast metal for extra rigidity
  • Tracking knobs allow correct positioning of belts on frames
  • Work tables adjust 0° to 45° with large locking handles for sanding angles
  • PSA Discs apply quickly to their metal discs for instant use.
  • Dust Hood and port for efficient dust removal with attached dust collectors


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