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Mi-T-M  TX-0010 Trailer Hitch

Mi-T-M TX-0010 Trailer Hitch

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Replaces the standard 2-inch ball hitch with an adjustable trailer coupler hitch or lunette ring hitch. Includes hitch with brackets and hardware

·Adjustable trailer coupler hitch for use with AW-9000-0003, AW-9000-0004 and AW-9000-0008 trailers
·Heavy-duty, 2-inch trailer hitch with pin-style fastener trailer coupler and hinged ball socket with visual indication of proper closure around the ball - all to ensure a quick, easy and secure hook-up


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200-500all other productsbf2023exportlistpLeadTime3weeksmi-t-mMi-t-m AW-9000-0003nogooglenomapnot canadapmax ad power wash trailerprisync8824ROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled