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Grizzly D4646 - 3/8" x 50' Retractable Hose Reel

Grizzly D4646 - 3/8" x 50' Retractable Hose Reel

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D4646 3/8" x 50' Retractable Hose Reel

Simplify your garage or workspace with a retractable hose reel.

The heavy-duty D4646 3/8" x 50' Retractable Hose Reel is constructed with heavy gauge steel and features a slotted mounting base, 5-position adjustable roller outlet arm, and 8-position ratchet gearing that locks the reel at the desired hose length.

This steel hose reel is for use with air compressors and pneumatic tools.

The D4646 comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects.

The Woodstock Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.

The D4646 instruction sheet was written by our U.S. based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information.

Parts for the reel may be available online and shipped from the Woodstock parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.


  • Air fitting size: 1/4" NPT
  • Hose diameter: 3/8"
  • Hose length: 50'
  • Maximum air pressure: 300 PSI
  • Maximum air flow: 25 CFM


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