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Grizzly C2169 - Passage Doors 6 pc. Stile & Rail Set - Roman Ogee, 3/4" Bore
Grizzly C2169 - Passage Doors 6 pc. Stile & Rail Set - Roman Ogee, 3/4" Bore
Grizzly C2169 - Passage Doors 6 pc. Stile & Rail Set - Roman Ogee, 3/4" Bore

Grizzly C2169 - Passage Doors 6 pc. Stile & Rail Set - Roman Ogee, 3/4" Bore

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Model C2169 Dimensions:
  • Cutter Dia.: 2-7/8"
  • Cutting Length: 1-3/8"
  • Cutting Width: 1/2"

Make beautiful interior doors with this 6-piece stile and rail set. Comes complete with 5 cutters and one spacer. We also have 1/2" and 5.5mm cutters and spacers available for 3/4" bore sets. Please order panel cutters separately.

If using 3/4" bore cutter for glass doors, order C2320.

Max RPM: 15,000


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