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Grizzly C2122 - Shaper Cutter - 3/4" "V" Paneling Cutter Set, 3/4" Bore
Grizzly C2122 - Shaper Cutter - 3/4" "V" Paneling Cutter Set, 3/4" Bore

Grizzly C2122 - Shaper Cutter - 3/4" "V" Paneling Cutter Set, 3/4" Bore

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C2122 Shaper Cutter 3/4" "V" Paneling Cutter Set

Make paneling, wainscoting, decking and flooring with these V-match sets.

The Grizzly 3/4" bore, "V" Paneling Cutter Set features top-quality C-2 carbide - the best available for wood cutting applications.

Shaped and sharpened with diamond wheels as fine as 600 grit, these outstanding cutters are constructed with a high-tensile, silver-based brazing, which offers the utmost in strength and durability.

Can be used on woods, wood composites, plywood and some plastics at 5,000 to 10,000 R.P.M. Safety Cutter.

Max RPM: 15,000

Model C2122 Dimensions:

  • Cutter Dia.: 2-3/4"
  • Cutting Length: 1"
  • Cutting Width: 3/8"


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