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Allegro 15' of 16" Ducting

Allegro 15' of 16" Ducting

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Allegro can handle all your ducting needs with this extensive offering in 5 different diameters: 8″, 12″, 16″, 20″ and 26″. The 8″ and 12″ ducting is available in 6′, 15′ and 25′ lengths. The 16″, 20″ and 26″ are available in 15′ and 25′ lengths. Lightweight and retractable, this ducting is designed for maximum air handling capabilities and built for dual direction flow with minimum friction loss. Vinyl and polyester materials with PVC coating make this single ply duct stand up to any rugged environment. The non-collapsible design and yellow with black weather strip for visibility on the job, also meets ASTM 227 specs. Ducting provides temperature resistance up to 180° F.


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