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Trinco Model 72X48 SL-PC Direct Pressure Cabinet

Trinco Model 72X48 SL-PC Direct Pressure Cabinet

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Note: This picture is only the representation of this machine which may be different in color and size, Please contact us for more details. 

Trinco Model 72x48 Sandblaster Split-Level Direct Pressure Cabinet

Direct pressure blast cabinets deliver a pressurized high-velocity stream of media providing the power and speed needed for production blasting and removal of tough coatings. Heavy layers of paint, rust, scale, corrosion, etc. Are quickly and easily removed. Direct pressure cabinets are 3-4 times faster than siphon cabinets when blasting at half the pressure.

Trinco direct pressure models include an ASME blast tank to pressurize the media, an abrasive separator to clean media and a large dust collector to filter out the dust and provide good cabinet visibility. Many options such as harsh media wear package, HEPA filtration, turntables, power baskets, 3 pHs electrical, etc. Are available.

Model: 72x48 SL-PC

This direct pressure cabinet utilizes an a.S.M.E. Coded pressure tank to hold abrasive media. When the foot pedal control is depressed, air pressure is released into the pressure tank, pressurizing the media and then forcing the media from the tank through the blasting hose to the nozzle.

Most Trinco pressure blast cleaning is done at 40-60 psi. Due to these lower pressures, abrasive media breakdown is greatly reduced even though a high volume of media is being directed at the part to be cleaned. Most of the media is recovered through the recycling process.

This machine is ideal for the very tough jobs, applications where large surfaces must be cleaned quickly, production blast cleaning or when the job requires the use of heavy mesh sizes of silicon carbide and aluminum oxide. Other popular media that are used in trinco pressure cabinets are glass beads, trin-mixes, rad-mix, and steel blasting media.

Equipment Features:

  • Blast cabinet is constructed of 14 gauge welded steel with split-level feature and side door
  • Dual workstations for a single operator
  • The abrasive separator is constructed of 10 gauge welded steel for durability and is tunable for different medias
  • A dust collector is constructed of 14 gauge welded steel
  • ASME coded pressure vessel with easy access cleanout port, automatic sealing plunger, and pneumatic vibrator
  • 3/4” piping and heavy-duty mixing valve
  • 30 - 120 psi pressure range
  • Abrasive capacity: 100 lbs standard
  • Vibrating particle screen in the abrasive separator
  • Equipment included:
  • 850 cfm abrasive separator and pull-through dust collector
  • (30) tubular filter bags (145 sq ft surface area)
  • Trinco manual bag shaker
  • Standard counterbalance (optional deluxe counterbalance available for an additional $400.00)
  • Trinco fluorescent lighting
  • Airline water filter
  • Pressure regulator and gauge
  • Neoprene blast gloves
  • Safety enclosed foot pedal
  • 1/2” id heavy-duty blast hose
  • Tungsten carbide nozzle
  • 1/4” id nozzle standard (1/8”, 3/16” and 5/16” optional)


  • Standard Counter Balance
  • 850 CFM Abrasive Separator and Pull-Through Dust Collector with 30 tubular filter bags.


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10000-15000all other productsbf2023catchallshiprepriceROAS 4sandblast cabinetspo-defaultspo-disabledtrinco