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Graco 226018 Fire-Ball® 425 Series 50:1 400 Lb. (181 Kg) Grease Pump - Stationary Supply Topper-Inductor Package

Graco 226018 Fire-Ball® 425 Series 50:1 400 Lb. (181 Kg) Grease Pump - Stationary Supply Topper-Inductor Package

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The Fire-Ball 425 features a large air motor to supply the power you need for long pipe runs and higher-volume dispensing. An ideal choice for applications where multiple dispenses happen at the same time.


The Fire-Ball 425 is the pump of choice for your most demanding high volume applications.

  • Durable Casting - Thick cast aluminum air motor housing offers unmatched durability.
  • Fewer Repairs - Fewer moving parts in the air motor assembly means less downtime and low repair cost.
  • Superior Sealing - Non-metallic poppet valves offer positive sealing performance, even with contaminated "dirty" air environments for long life without repair.
  • Extended Seal Life - In-line pump design aligns the air motor piston and fluid piston rods to maximize seal life.
  • Corrosion-Resistant - Corrosion-resistant design utilizes liquid salt nitriding, nickel plating, stainless steel, aluminum and chrome on key components for longer life.


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