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Wagner Liquid  Zip 52 Aluminum Body - PTFE Diaphragm - Stainless Steel Valve Seat - Stainless Steel  Valve Ball - Low Pressure Double Diaphragm Pump - Bare Unit

Wagner Liquid Zip 52 Aluminum Body - PTFE Diaphragm - Stainless Steel Valve Seat - Stainless Steel Valve Ball - Low Pressure Double Diaphragm Pump - Bare Unit

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Zip 52 pneumatic double diaphragm pumps are designed with a reduction in air consumption coupled with better performance and maximum reliability. The exclusive design enables its use for corrosive, abrasive and highly viscous liquid media. ZIP pumps cover a broad application spectrum, including the feeding of paint supply systems; the feeding and circulation of printing ink, solvents, paints, chemicals, and oils; the disposal of liquid waste; the supply of flow viscosity adhesives; and filling/emptying of tanks, drums and containers. These pumps are offered in aluminum and stainless steel with a volumetric flow of 13.7 gal/min and 1/2” material inlet/outlet size for an extended range of materials.

High efficiency and performance

• The optimized design with less dead space enables rapid color change and cleaning, and a reduction in the amount of solvent required

• The air motor ensures highest performance with reduced air consumption; requires no additional lubrication and suffers from no freezing problems

• Different pump configurations and a comprehensive product palette guarantee a wide range of possible applications

Designed for versatility in application

The ZIP 52 double diaphragm pumps are available in stainless steel and aluminum models to fit any type of application needs for material supply

Two coupled diaphragms are moving from the left to the right and back by help of pressurized air. The steering valve guides the air to the side where the diaphragm is moved to contract the fluid chamber. Material is transported by contraction and expansion of the fluid chamber volume through the inlet and outlet valves.


  • Airless and Air Coat applications up to 250 bar in furniture construction, metal industry, general purpose finishing (incl. water and solvent-based paints, moisture-sensitive materials, shear-sensitive coatings, UV-cure materials and temperature reactive materials).
  • The pump is also suitable for highly abrasive materials.


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1.8 CFM1/2 in. BSP1000-2000116 PSIAluminium Bodybf2023catchallshipdiaphragmpumppmax ad diaphragm pumpsPTFE DiaphROAS 3S/S BallsS/S Seatsspo-defaultspo-disabledwagner