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Grizzly G1035 - 1-1/2 HP Shaper
Grizzly G1035 - 1-1/2 HP Shaper
Grizzly G1035 - 1-1/2 HP Shaper
Grizzly G1035 - 1-1/2 HP Shaper
Grizzly G1035 - 1-1/2 HP Shaper

Grizzly G1035 - 1-1/2 HP Shaper

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G1035 1-1/2 HP Shaper

Power, precision, and control unmatched by any router table.

Shapers are used to create a wide variety of shapes, such as decorative edges, moldings, and raised panels. The G1035 1-1/2 HP Shaper was built with plenty of muscle to mill a wide variety of profiles.

The 1-1/2 HP motor rotates the interchangeable spindles at 7000 and 10,000 RPMs. The forward/reverse switch that starts, stops, and reverses spindle rotation, can be disabled and locked with a padlock.

The G1035 comes with one aluminum insert and one cast-iron insert, giving you three possible diameter openings in the shaper table surface. Use the smallest opening that a particular cutter will allow. This offers more support for the workpiece and reduces the amount of chips that can fall into the machine.

The independently adjustable cast-iron fence screws to the precision-ground cast-iron table. Hold-down springs are used to hold the workpiece flat on the table and snug against the fence.

Additional features include a handwheel for spindle height adjustments and a spindle height scale that displays the height position of the spindle in inches–all for less than the price of a router and router table!

The G4840 3" Dust Hood is available to connect the G1035 to any dust collection hose.

Like all Grizzly shapers, the G1035 comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects.

The G1035 manual was written by our U.S.-based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information. The complete and easy-to-read manual makes it easier to assemble and maintain your shaper.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S.-based. Parts for the shaper may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.

Made in an ISO 9001 factory

CSA certified


  • Motor: 1-1/2 HP, 120V/240V (prewired 120V), single-phase, 12A/6A
  • Maximum cutter height: 2-1/2"
  • Maximum cutter diameter: 5"
  • Spindle diameters: 1/2", 3/4"
  • Spindle lengths: 2-3/4", 3-1/2"
  • Spindle capacity under nut: 2", 2-1/2"
  • Spindle speeds: 7000, 10,000 RPM
  • Spindle travel: 3"
  • Table insert openings: 1-1/4", 3-1/2", 5"
  • Table counterbore: 5" dia. x 7/16"
  • Table size: 18" x 20-1/4"
  • Floor-to-table height: 33-1/2"
  • Footprint: 15-1/2"x 17-1/2"
  • Overall dimensions: 22" W x 25" D x 40-1/2" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 221 lbs.


  • Two spindle speeds
  • Motor reversing switch
  • Precision-ground cast-iron table
  • Independently adjustable cast-iron fence with safety guard
  • Hold-down springs
  • Steel cabinet-type stand
  • Cast-iron miter gauge and starting pins


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