Steps to Take When Installing a Paint Booth In West Virginia
Installing a paint booth is often an important step in establishing a new manufacturing process, expanding your existing capabilities, or at other times simply upgrading your current work processes. Whether you are considering the addition of a painting process to your existing facility or adding additional capacity to your current manufacturing there are important steps to take as you consider the addition of a paint booth to your facility in West Virginia. Our goal in this article is to cover the most common organizations to coordinate your potential new paint booth with.
Organizations to Coordinate with when Installing a Paint Booth in West Virginia
- West Virginia Environmental Protection Agency – If you are adding a paint booth to your facility you are most likely going to start creating or increase your current release of volatile organic compounds (VOCS). VOCS are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and when you are considering implementing a paint booth you should coordinate with the West Virginia’s EPA office to ensure you have all proper permits in place.
- Local Authority Having Jurisdiction – There could be a few potential important connections in your local area who have jurisdiction to ensure your paint booth meets the codes they uphold. Paint Booths from reputable companies like Global Finishing Solutions will design spray booths to meet all pertinent national codes including NFPA 33, and OSHA. However local authorities having jurisdiction are given final authority on enforcement and implementation of national codes. As a result, you will want to coordinate with your local West Virginia fire marshal and potentially building inspector as each may have certain requirements they will want you to meet when installing a paint booth.
- Insurance Provider – Your Insurance provider is also important to contact as they will want to know your implementing painting in your facility, or if you already paint but will be upgrading to include a paint booth when you didn’t have one the insurance provider may adjust your coverage needs and costs.
By following these steps you should be able to connect with all the pertinent individuals involved with the implementation of a paint booth in West Virginia. Ultimately by choosing a paint booth from a reputable manufacturer you will be doing as much as you can to ensure you meet national requirements and by coordinating with all the proper local and Statewide West Virginia agencies, you can be sure that you will have followed all proper steps in implanting or improving a paint booth in West Virginia. If you need help installing your paint booth or considering a new paint booth we can help.