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A Complete Guide to Keeping a Paint Booth Clean


Paint Booths are an investment that can cost anywhere from $1000 dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The beauty of a paint booth is with proper care and maintenance they can last 40 years. This article is a complete guide on how you can maintain a clean, well functioning paint booth.

Protect the Paint Booth from Over spray

One of the biggest problems within your paint booth is over spray which will have a tendency to build up on the spray booth’s walls, lights, and floor over time. To prevent these issues it is recommended to use a peel-able paint booth coating. Paint booth coating provides protection to the underlying sheet metal of your paint booth and is removable , which will prevent the walls of your paint booth becoming overly contaminated over time. In addition to the booth covering you will want to protect your lights from over spray build up so that you do not have issues with visibility due to excessive coating build up. This is done with a mask for the paint booth lights. A final area of preventive care is to utilize floor coverings for your paint booth.  A floor covering will prevent build up of over spray on the floor.

Protect the Paint Booth Fan from Paint and Maintain it Properly

Your paint booth fan is one of the few items in your paint booth that over time could wear out.  To help reduce the chances of your paint booth fan wearing out follow these steps.

  1.  Follow the maintenance program laid out in your manual this will ensure your paint booth fan runs reliably for many years
  2. Use a quality paint booth filter. Paint booth filters prevent over spray from landing on cars in your parking lot as well as protect the fan blade from over spray. By using a quality paint booth filter and routinely replacing the filters you can ensure the fan will last a long time.  It can be tempting to use low quality filters but they can lead to long term failure of your fan due to over spray buildup 
  3. Change your paint booth filters routinely. A paint booth should have a visual gauge called a manometer to help know when the filters need changed. If you need to learn more about the manometer and how to use it you can review this article here. The ultimate gauge is if the over spray is hanging in your paint booth’s air it is time to change filters or if the manometer is showing the filters are dirty.

Maintain your Air Make Up Unit

Keep the Booth Free From Outside Contaminants

  • The best way to keep the interior of the paint booth free from dust and other contaminants if you have an enclosed booth is to ensure all the gaps are properly caulked to form a seal.

What if you are trying to clean a dirty paint booth?

While maintenance is always easier than restoring a dirty paint booth you may find yourself in a situation with a dirty paint booth. If you have a paint booth there are a few options. You can use a booth coating that can be applied over a dirty booth wall (while normal booth coating requires bare galvanized metal).  You can also use scrapers that are non sparking to clean existing over spray off your paint booth’s walls or use solvent solution and a sponge mop NOT A COTTON MOP as it will breakdown.

By following these maintenance, cleaning, and care tips you can ensure your paint booth will last a long time and run without issues.

Further Resources

Global Finishing Spray Booth Cleaning Tips

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